Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 im. prof. Adama Wodziczki w Swarzędzu

Projekty eTwinning

eTwinning to społeczność edukacyjna szkół w Europie.

Dzięki eTwinning nauczyciele mają możliwość nawiązania edukacyjnej współpracy dla pracowników szkół (nauczycieli, dyrektorów szkół, bibliotekarzy, itp.) krajów europejskich, a także całego świata, jeśli mają zgodę na taką współpracę.

W naszej szkole realizowanych jest wiele projektów edukacyjnych,  przy współpracy z nauczycielami z różnych zakątków Europy a nawet świata!





Dzięki współpracy uczniowie naszej szkoły mają doskonałą okazję dzielić się doświadczeniami, poznawać kulturę, obyczaje oraz tradycje kolegów i koleżanek, jednocześnie doskonaląc swoje umiejętności językowe. 


Endangered animals in my country.

O projekcie

For the last 50 years population of wild animals has been decreasing drastically. One day, sooner than you can imagine, our children and pupils will know some animals only from books, tales or the internet. Let’s share information about endangered species in our countries, our methods of animals protection. Thanks to this project our students gain knowledge about animals from different countries and ways of protecting them
Together we can help divert the proces of extinction

Dragons&fairies 2020

O projekcie

This project is meant to motivate students for literature production in their mother tongue, and if they feel capable, translating their stories in English. Also, all the original stories will be illustrated and the final product will be blog posts and an e-book. The project will last only one month (October 2020).
The language of the project is English, but the stories can be left in the mother tongue of the student writer, because we want also to promote love for our mother tongues and the fact that today some students speak fluently more than one language.

What’s on your bucket list?

O projekcie

This project is about helping students of the 1st grade share their daily life at school in the framework of eTwinning action STEM 2.0 . The Project will start in September 2020 and end in April 2021.
There will be monthly tasks to be completed.

I Read, Write, Learn My Values / Okuyorum, Yazıyorum, Değerlerimi Öğreniyorum

O projekcie

It aims to learn our various values ​​in a practical and planned way in inter-school communication, to facilitate adaptation to school life after the pandemic process, to present our values ​​to our students in various ways (drama, music, painting, poetry) and to share our experiences with other groups of friends.

Okullar arası iletişim içinde çeşitli değerlerimizi uygulamalı, planlı bir şekilde öğrenebilmek, pandemi süreci sonrası okul hayatına uyumu kolaylaştırmak, Değerlerimizi kültürümüzü çeşitli yollarla (drama , müzik, resim, şiir) öğrencilerimize sunmak ve yaşadıklarımızı uygulamalarımızı diğer arkadaş grupları ile paylaşmak amaclanmaktadir

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